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bal•ance - v - To bring into or keep in equal or satisfying proportion or harmony

Balance is critical to your success. It does not mean equal amounts of time for each aspect of your life, but is a conscious determination of priorities and focus for different areas of your life, at different times during your life. For example:

For teams and organizations to be successful, it is important for Leaders to:

Balance does not mean equal - and those who try to achieve balance on a daily basis rarely succeed. I prefer to look at balance from a longer term perspective. To try to fit work, family, hobbies, spirit, and friends into each day is challenging if not impossible. What if you look at it on a monthly perspective - I focused on a major project at work for 2 weeks, then I refocused my energies on my family and we went on a week's vacation, when we got back I set up a dinner for some family and friends to reconnect. On a day-to-day basis, you may not have had 'balance', but over the month you did. Some choose to expand this out to a year or even to a lifetime. Whatever timeframe you choose, having 'balance' in your life is important to your career and personal success.

Let me partner with you to achieve balance for yourself, team or organization.